When I began to write this newsletter I was faced with an immediate dilemma. Should I add to the daily incoming tide of Covid-19 related bad news? Do you need me to repeat all the numbers and observations that attest to the seriousness of the situation? Will you benefit from my opinion and analysis of this pandemic when you have heard it all before? Or, should I carry on as normal, as if nothing is different? I decided to let you be the judge. For those that would prefer some pandemic respite, turn the page.
Even for people that thrive on a challenge, you would have to say that 2020 has, so far, been one out of the box. With southeastern Australia reeling from summer wildfires like never before, the entire planet has been brought together via the threat of this global pandemic. Perhaps we have all become a little too complacent about health outcomes in recent times and not fully appreciative of our precarious and delicate nature.